Battery Warranty Claims

In order to submit your battery warranty claim, we need three photos detailing the below items.

1. Photo of sticker on battery showing serial number

sticker - Battery Warranty Claim

2. Photo of multimeter reading of battery output (connector that bike cord attaches into). Make sure multimeter is set to 200V.

output side - Battery Warranty Claim

3. Photo of of multimeter reading of battery input (connector that battery charger plugs into). Make sure multimeter is set to 200V.

import side - Battery Warranty Claim

Battery Warranty Claim Form

Please complete ALL fields below.

First Name

Last Name

Email used to make purchase on Indiegogo

Approximately how many hours have you ridden your bike since you received it?

Enter the date you received your bike

Has the bike or battery ever been dropped?

Description of problem(s):


Photo 1 - Battery Serial Number

*Acceptable file types include gif, jpeg, jpg, tiff, pdf

Photo 2 - Multimeter Output

*Acceptable file types include gif, jpeg, jpg, tiff, pdf

Photo 3 - Multimeter Input

*Acceptable file types include gif, jpeg, jpg, tiff, pdf