Return Policy
You may return most unused items purchased at within 7 days of the original delivery. We will pay the return shipping costs if the product is defective or the return is a result of our error. If the item is returned for any other reason, you are responsible for the return shipping costs and will be charged a restocking fee of 30 percent. No returned merchandise will be accepted without a Return Material Authorization (RMA). Request a RMA by logging into your account, which was automatically created for you when you made your purchase. Check your original purchase email for login information. Click here to view your account and orders. Then select “Request Warranty” and complete and submit the form. Include your contact information and an explanation of the reason for return. We will credit your refund in the same manner as your original payment within 7-14 days of receiving the returned item.
The following items may not be returned:
Any used, damaged or unsalable items.